Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Law Of Attraction

    Although I could never explain in detail this concept in a single post, I will just try and give a very brief simple explanation of this theory, it’s history and practical purpose and add my point of view.

     I’m sure you have heard of “The Law Of Attraction” it has been around for quite some time, in fact 1,000’s of years, but has received more attention recently since the release of the 2006 film “The Secret”, in the beginning of the movie they give credit to Thomas Troward as the father of the modern concept, however he just found a way to add scientific reason to a spiritual theory and present it to the western world. To give you a brief idea of where this term comes from, Thomas Troward was a judge in British India in the 19th century and according to Wikipedia: “His avocation was the study of comparative religion. Influences on his thinking, as well as his later writing, included the teachings of Christ, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. After his retirement from the judiciary in 1896, Troward set out to apply logic and a judicial weighing of evidence in the study of matters of cause and effect.” Simply put, he tried to use logic to view a spiritual principle, in most ways this is difficult if not impossible to do, however with this subject they both fit quite well.

   Wikipedia also states: “Although there are some cases where positive or negative attitudes can produce corresponding results (principally the placebo and nocebo effects), there is no scientific basis to the law of attraction.”  Whichever you choose to believe, it doesn't really matter as there is no denying that positive thinking can go a long way in creating positive results. Myself being a person of mostly logical thinking, can easily agree with the fact that if you believe in something enough, your chances of making it reality are greatly increased. This belief is what creates the drive that keeps you focused on your goals and keeps you motivated through the hard times before you get there. The only problem I see with this theory is that some will take it too literally and believe that just simply wishing or praying for something enough will make it happen. I can’t stress enough that action is what makes things happen, yes you must believe in yourself and believe in your success, but you and you alone will have to do the hard work required to achieve anything good in life.

    I’m sure you have all heard the saying “Misery loves company”, this is so true and just another way of looking at the law of attraction. Simply put, you will attract to yourself what you seek and put out to your surroundings. If you always walk with you head held high and full of positive inspiration, the negative people of the world will avoid you like the plague and that will benefit you greatly, on the other side of the coin, If you want to achieve success you need to surround yourself with like minded people also seeking success and better yet with those who have already achieved it. 

    I recently read an article “21 Ways Rich People Think Differently Than Average People”  There's some good insight in it. One point I liked a lot was that “Average people think MONEY is the root of all evil. Rich people believe POVERTY is the root of all evil.”  A big part of the law of attraction for me is also combining it with the right outlook and changing your filters of how you see the world, in this example, how could you ever achieve success if you feel inside that success is itself a bad thing. This is an extreme example and if you're reading this post, you're most likely of the mindset that success is a good thing, but there are more subtle filters and you need to recognize them and change them if necessary, but that’s a whole other thing we'll cover it in a later post.

   One of my favorite examples of someone who truly believed in this principle is Walt Disney. Did you know that Walt was rejected over 300 times by bankers, who thought that the idea of a cartoon mouse was absurd? Did you know that he was fired by a newspaper editor for lacking creativity? However Walt later went on to become one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time and in 1996 he purchased ABC, which just happened to own the Kansas City Star, the very newspaper who fired him. Walt had some of the biggest goals of anyone in modern times and he had the absolute belief in achieving them. Just imagine a world where Walt Disney allowed negativity to take away his dreams, I’d rather not. I could give you countless examples of others who know and understand this principle well, just show me any one of the great success stories and I’ll show you someone who believes in the law of attraction.

I always like to add a quick video to my posts if I can, that explains what I've covered. I couldn't have found a better one. Will smith covers all the points I've tried to make and most importantly how hard work is the key that makes it all a reality.

Will Smith On The Law Of Attraction - 6:23

    In conclusion you just need to know that if you want something bad enough in life then you need to believe in it completely and unchangeably and that it’s there and waiting for you. You need to know it will happen so you don’t ever question it, this is key in having the confidence and drive to achieve it. You need to remove all doubt and doubters from your life and not let anything stand in your way, just remember it will take much more than wanting it, that’s just the start and as Will Smith put it, always be the last one on the treadmill of life.

Thank you for reading and the best of luck in all your endeavors, 

+R. Michael Gonzalez

Please ask questions or leave opinions in the comment section, as I welcome any outside opinions and will answer any questions that are made directly and honestly.

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Don't Burn Out Your Facebook Friends

    I plan to add many posts relating to social media marketing, as I believe it is definitely the future of network marketing, however there is much to know and learn, so It will take many posts to cover it. I’ll start here with the most important part.


    I have spent a lot of time looking into the social media marketing strategy and Facebook is unquestionably the place to focus your attention, with 1.1 billion users, almost everyone on the planet with internet access and a heartbeat, has a Facebook account. The biggest problem I have found, with people on Facebook is the overwhelming misuse of it as a network marketing tool, in life as well as business. Far too many people are taking the same old approach that they use in regular network marketing and completely burning out, what could be their best resource. In network marketing your “Warm Market” is your most important resource and once you burn it, it’s very difficult to recover from it. Unlike standard warm markets, with social media you can very easily get your information in front of all of them as well as have the potential to get it to all of their friends, in only a couple of minutes a day, but you HAVE TO DO IT RIGHT. Just imagine that you have 100 Facebook friends and many have a whole lot more, you post a link that 10% of them like and share it, and so on. Now one post has the opportunity to be seen by 1,000’s of people, but it has to be the right kind of post (We'll get more into that at another time).

   I’m sure you all have had the friend on Facebook that posts every mundane detail of their life, when they wake up, what they have for breakfast, when their in traffic, as well as sharing every single post they find like it’s all the most exciting stuff in the world, and so on. Usually these are people without a life that spend all day on Facebook and have nothing better to do then join EVERY cause and get everyone else on board. Well if you're like me and I assume most of us are, even if you don’t want to be rude and unfriend them, then you most likely have done what I do to most of them and cut off their posts to my news feed. I’m still friends with them and I like them, but I don’t care what they are watching on TV right now and I don’t want to have to spend hours going through 100’s of pointless posts to see what my other friends are up to, most of us that have other things to do, spend only a little time on Facebook and want to get through it quickly, so we can get back to our real lives. If you are one of these people, I can assure you, you probably have already burned your chance at social media marketing, as all of your friends will already assume your posts are pointless and have cut you off of their news feeds already. There's a slim chance for you to recover from this, but no promises.

    Now that we're clear on what not to do, lets move on. The most important part of social media marketing is to be very selective of what you post and do not post more than 2 or 3 times a day, preferably each at different times. Also do not always blatantly post your opportunity, (Unlike what you are probably being told, at first you shouldn't post it at all or hassle all your friends and family in any way into immediately joining something you can’t even explain to them without having someone else do it, that’s a huge red flag of people thinking it’s not worth their time. Why would they jump into something you don't even know yourself) as people will just browse over it and think oh there they are again with that stupid MLM thing and have no interest in your opportunity now or ever. You must follow the point I try to make over and over in all of my posts, don’t be overly aggressive, just take your time and earn some credibility, learn how to sell your product or service first, before trying to get more people to join. Unlike the way you're told to try and recruit someone first and then sell them later if they don’t want to join. I get this if the company and it’s products or services are worthless, like most are, but if you truly believe in the company and the products or services, why wouldn't you want to show everyone the services first and once they are a customer, then show them the opportunity, it would be a whole lot easier for them to understand it then. 

I simply believe that this is just the standard system that has been used in MLM far too long, get peoples interest by making them believe they’ll make $1,000’s in 30 days and be financially independent in 90 days, by just adding it to their list of things to do. (Please trust me, there is no such thing as getting rich in 90 days, I don’t care what you have been told, if you were one of the VERY, VERY, few professional recruiter sales people who could do this, you wouldn't be reading this post and you would already be rich). The best way to do this is to post things that could be beneficial to the majority of people you know, posts that give good advice on life or links to good general information. It’s also very important to know how to write and use posts, (That’s a whole subject of its own) so lets just focus on posting links to others articles for now. I hope for this blog to be a good resource for all to use to find articles that are good to post on their Facebook pages, but there are so many too choose from. Some of my favorite are from Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Darren Hardy, Steve Jobs and the list goes on and on, just randomly pick one or two a day and make sure they don’t lead to sites where there is a bunch of ad’s or get rich quick gimmicks or you’ll just cause more harm than good. Make sure you have read the article you're posting a link to, so if someone reads it and asks you something, you know what you’re talking about.

     What you want to do is give your friends a glimpse into your life and what you're doing right now, without shoving your opportunity down their throat and trying to solve all of their problems. Let them see that there is so much more to this than just the opportunity itself, that its not just a way to earn money, but a way to improve their life in many ways. Personally one of my favorite things of Multi Level Marketing is the community desire to constantly improve on themselves, much more than almost any other type of business, it’s a general mentality of constant self improvement. This to me is a huge draw to get peoples attention and it gets overshadowed by everyone pushing the get rich quick crap. Let your friends see that you are working on much more than just trying to make money and you’ll have a lot more credibility when you want to show them the opportunity, but you need to really be working on yourself for it to have any meaning.

And remember no more than a few posts a day, so be selective.

I found a great article that also explains the downside of over posting or posting pointless updates: "Don't Give Your Friends Reason To Use Facebook's Unsubscribe Option"

Thank you for reading and the best of luck in all your endeavors, 

+R. Michael Gonzalez

Please ask questions or leave opinions in the comment section, as I welcome any outside opinions and will answer any questions that are made directly and honestly.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New ACN IBO's - Give It Time & Keep It Simple!

You Have To Give It Time

    One of the main things in this business or any other is to give yourself time to learn and to keep things simple until they sink in and you're ready to learn more. So don’t try and get it all in a day, take as much time as you need and always be open to learn from those who have done it. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easily and quickly, it’s the time and effort that you must put forth that makes the reward worth it, so give it time.

     The one thing that I hear about the most, when people complain about ACN on the internet, is “Hey I was in ACN for a month and I didn’t make anything”, Really? I just laugh everytime I read one of these articles by people who try and convince everyone they can, that ACN is a scam, because they didn’t make it. They have this need to make themselves feel better, like it wasn't their lack of work or perseverance that was the issue, so it must be ACN, because obviously if they couldn't do it then it’s got to be the business.

It wont happen sitting on the couch!
      The more I discover about this business and the more I read the complaints, the more I’m convinced how great this opportunity is. I mean if it was so easy that anyone sitting on their couch could do it, then there would be no opportunity. The very fact that it takes hard work and dedication, means that many will quit long before achieving any real success, well as far as I’m concerned good riddance. So for the new IBO’s looking to get their business off the ground, remember it’s simple, but no one is promising you it is easy and it won't happen in a month. I've created this site for a couple of reasons, as I have explained in other posts. To provide value to my team, by providing a resource of information for them to train and learn, as well as providing my personal first hand point of view. There are some points I have seen and learned about how some present this opportunity, that I have a different outlook on and there's some I agree with wholeheartedly. As I have said before, I will never say my outlook is right and others are wrong, I can only view the world through my eyes and share what I believe and I hope my view is helpful and according to the top reps in the business and I agree, this will not happen overnight.

ACN TV Video: ACN Tips for New Representatives

    This video is great as you hear it from the ones who have done this and unless I’m mistaken no one said it will happen overnight. You have to stick with this and train until it becomes second nature. One of the most important things to helping you stick with this is your WHY, as I described in What Is Your Why? - Have Clarity & Purpose, it’s the foundation that will get you through the long haul, until you reach your goals. Once you have made the decision to do this, you need to utilize all of the tools and training available, to give yourself the skills you need to achieve those goals and give yourself the time to see it through.

Thank you for reading and the best of luck in all your endeavors, 

+R. Michael Gonzalez

Please ask questions or leave opinions in the comment section, as I welcome any outside opinions and will answer any questions that are made directly and honestly.

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Monday, March 18, 2013

What Is Your Why? - Have Clarity & Purpose

     If you are new to ACN, another MLM or still looking into joining, you will most likely hear the term, “You need to know your why”, this may sound so simple and not seem as important as it is, but it is very important, not only for your success in this business, but your success at anything in life and I’ll try explain in a little more detail and expand on this as well.

     I have a short video at the end of this, by Anthony Robbins one of the worlds premier life and success coaches (Whose advice I respect immensely) and he says “Life will pay whatever price you ask of it, if you ask intelligently and prepare to make it happen”. This is so important, because many of us miss out on the key point, (Ask intelligently). In the video he explains that you need to FOCUS and be specific, he also explains it with a well known formula for success called the RPM (Result, Purpose, Massive Action). 

The R, what Result do you want? Ask specifically - What do you want? - Our minds will only see what we focus on and blur the rest of what goes on around us, we can only focus on so many things at the same time, that’s why successful people focus on EXACTLY what they want, they don’t generalize, they have a specific target and drive and they go and get it. To achieve success at anything we need to be goal oriented. We need to have a specific goal in mind, we can't just ask for money or we may only get a dollar. “Clarity is power” (I once had someone explain to me what the word SIN, actually meant. I was quite surprised. It's actually an ancient Latin word, which means missing the mark. When archers used to shoot for the bulls eye, if they missed, someone would yell SIN. So be specific and always aim for your target.)

The P, what is the Purpose. Why do you want it? - Reasons come first and answers come second, we will never be able to attain any goal, unless we give ourselves a reason for getting it, that overrides all other desires in our life. Without that overriding reason there is no drive to achieve it, as it only gets lumped in with all of the other things that we desire. Do you want a new car, well that could be a reason, but once you get that car, will you have the drive to continue, maybe that’s all you want at the moment and that’s OK. It’s all about where we are in our lives and knowing precisely what we want and WHY, your why has to be the most important thing to YOU, not what others want for you. For most of us the WHY, is a better life for our families and ourselves and this is a great motivating factor, since achieving it will take time, energy and require a strong commitment, so make sure your WHY is enough to keep you going through the ups and downs and for the long haul. Most people who don’t achieve what they want in life, just never set out to get it in the first place and focused single minded to achieve it, they let life get in their way. If you don’t have a goal and know precisely what it is, how will you ever get there.

The M, Take Massive action. What do you need to do to make it happen? - We need to have a plan and the more plans we have the better. If our first plan does not work for us, what is our next plan and the one after. Quite too often we fail, because we only have 1 plan of action for success and if it doesn't work, we can tell ourselves we tried it just doesn't work. We need to keep ourselves from making excuses and give ourselves a reason to continue. The more plans you have the less time for excuses. Part of why I’m writing these articles and have created this site, is to provide just that, more plans, more options. I may have a different outlook on many of the things in this business, than others. Don’t pick any one over the next, try them all. One might work for you, while the other doesn't suit your personality or style and if you don’t try as many things as you can, you may miss out on the one that will make you the success you want to be. I can't stress enough the importance of this step, it's easy to think of the result we want to achieve and just as easy to give ourselves a reason. However it's the Massive Action, which makes it a reality, notice it's not just action, but Massive Action. We need to change our lives in every way, we need to prepare to do whatever it takes to be successful, we can only ever expect our results to equal our actions, we will never achieve amazing results without being willing to put forth amazing efforts and actions.

      I like to add a quick video when I can find one that explains a topic well, I usually have to watch many to find a good one, I found this one and it shows another point of view on the same subject. " Anthony Robbins is always a good choice when available.

Anthony Robbins - "Clarity & Purpose" 8:12

     I hope I am providing some good insight on these topics, I most assuredly don’t have all of the answers, I can just try and share what I have learned, continue to learn and what has worked for me. A big part of changing one's life is to open your mind to new ideas and be teachable. I’m a big believer in this, as I was fortunate enough when I was younger to meet a great life coach, my karate teacher Master Laffocco, whom I've spoken about in previous posts. Many people don’t ever even give it a try, they just think all that life coaching stuff is mumbo jumbo, well it’s not. Many of the worlds top CEO’s, people who have already achieved greater success than most can ever dream of, people who are already multi millionaires, still seek life coaching. Even though they are already incredibly wealthy and have achieved a level of success at their business beyond imagination. They have the drive to continually better themselves, that is the drive that got them to where they are in the first place. So don’t just take it from me, if it’s good enough for some of the most successful people in the world, it should be good enough for you to try as well.

    Please visit my section “Self Development Videos” I have many videos there from great life and success coaches and will continue to add to them. I will try and continue to pick some and write my observations of them like I have here. I've always believed the more points of view the better, so please leave any comments as to yours, I welcome them.

Thank you for reading and the best of luck in all your endeavors, 

+R. Michael Gonzalez

Please ask questions or leave opinions in the comment section, as I welcome any outside opinions and will answer any questions that are made directly and honestly.

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Confidence & Humility - The Perfect Mix

     Many of us struggle with these two personality types. Usually we posses one or the other, but rarely do we find the ability to mix them well. I personally have never had a problem with confidence, I have always believed in myself, yet humility is one I have to work on daily.  If you’ve read my previous post “ Be Teachable, But Never Be Gullible “ I write a personal experience I had with this. I was in a Karate school that was full of confidence, our teacher was this huge 8th degree black belt that wouldn’t know about humility if it slapped him in the face. he exuded confidence out of every pore of his body, why wouldn’t he, he was a 6’ 3” inch 230 pound man who could break you into pieces even if he wasn’t an 8th degree black belt. But even though I always respected his abilities and his knowledge of the art, I didn’t really respect him as a man, he was arrogant, aggressive and overbearing, or at least that’s how I perceived him. 

     This never bothered me too much, until I started to notice that’s how people were starting to perceive me as well. For many this would be just fine, but not for me, I have no desire to intimidate or make people feel uncomfortable around me, which unbridled confidence can often do. That’s when I met one of my greatest influences I have ever had, my new teacher Master Laffoco. He was a little quiet humble man, who by the way was a 10th degree master, the highest achievable position in martial arts. But it wasn’t his rank or skill that impressed me so much, which by the way was unbelievable, it was his humility. At first I could not understand how, someone who was so amazing and talented and had achieved such a position of respect and admiration in his field, did not in any way demand or expect it. This immediately drew me to him, it made him so much more than just a great martial artist. That’s when I first realized the power of being humble. I spent many years with Master Laffocco, he taught me a lot about the art, but he taught me so much more about life. 

      He used to explain to me that it’s easy to be humble if you are lacking in confidence or lack of ability, it is equally easy to be confident when you achieve mastery at something, but when you can combine them, you truly have something special to offer others.

    You may be wondering what any of this has to do with sales or business, well it has everything to do with it. Especially if you're in the MLM business, you're in the people business, your success is greatly measured by your ability to connect with as many people as possible, from all walks of life. If you lack confidence and are very humble, yes people will like you, but they won’t believe in your ability to help them achieve their goals. Yet if you are overfilled with confidence and show no humility, you will come across as arrogant and turn people away. It is the balance of these two personality types that will draw people to you, it will give them the confidence that you have something valuable to offer them, while remaining approachable and always their equal, even if you know more about something than they do.

"Modesty. Contrary to conventional stereotypes that successful salespeople are pushy and egotistical, 91 percent of top salespeople had medium to high scores of modesty and humility. Furthermore, the results suggest that ostentatious salespeople who are full of bravado alienate far more customers than they win over." - From Seven Personality Traits of Top Salespeople

    So whichever personality type you currently have an abundance of, don’t trade one for the other, always strive to keep them in balance, as this is a huge key to your success in business as well as life. For those who are naturally humble this task will be much easier, as all you have to do is build your self confidence while remaining true to your nature. For those of us that are naturally confident, this is much easier said than done and if you are like me you will struggle with this your whole life, but as long as you're struggling with it, you're on the right track.

     Please subscribe to this blog, just go to the sidebar under "Contact Me" and become a member or go to the bottom of this blog for other options to receive updates and new posts. Also please visit and "LIKE" my Facebook Page, as I also post all of my articles there, as well as other updates.

Thank you for reading and the best of luck in all your endeavors, 

+R. Michael Gonzalez

Please ask questions or leave opinions in the comment section, as I welcome any outside opinions and will answer any questions that are made directly and honestly.

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Friday, March 15, 2013

The Power Of Language

     Many of us fail to realize the power of the words we choose. I’m not just talking about swear words (Which I hope we all understand is not acceptable in the business world EVER, just introduce me to any successful business executive and I’ll show you someone who knows this) So rather than waste any time on this, lets all agree swearing and insults are NEVER acceptable in any business conversation and you can even go the extra step and drop them from your vocabulary all together, it will go a long way in you becoming a professional.
    What I’m actually talking about is how subtle choices in words and language can make a huge difference in how you appear to others. No, you don’t have to become an English major or whichever language you speak, but you should always strive to use proper grammar and make an effort to learn new words every day. Always use standard proper language, the type you should have been taught in school. No slang not even the most common expressions, if they are not proper language, no matter whom you are speaking with. Which person would you be most likely to do business with the person who says “Yo man, wuz up it’s mikey, long time no see” or the one who says, “Hello, how have you been it’s Michael, it’s been awhile since we last spoke”. This is an exaggerated point, however you would be quite surprised at how many try to go into business and think this is OK. Many in this opportunity call on their warm market or just above freezing if you consider how long it’s been since they have spoken to many of them. Then they start out with what’s comfortable to them and speak as in a way they did when they were last hanging out, they think their just being friendly. However, many people have grown over the years and it would do you a great benefit to show how you have as well. For this to become natural, we need to practice this in all of our everyday conversations. Are you more worried about your friends joking about the new way you speak, or making a success of your business and changing your life forever? You choose.

    Proper language shows a sign of maturity and it is much easier to gain someone's confidence by showing them that you have that maturity, especially when you're speaking to them about business. Always avoid biased or derogatory comments, this shows a complete lack of concern for others and you never know how someone will take it.  As for myself I immediately lower my expectations of what someone has to offer me, when they speak to me like they are uneducated and couldn't care less about what they say. (But, that’s just my opinion), if you don’t have enough sense to show me your concerned about how you present yourself to me, then do us both a favor and don’t waste my time.

    Also always be polite, even when conversations aren't going your way or you feel the other person is getting overly aggressive or rude. You would be amazed how you can turn a conversation around by sticking to this, no matter what is said, be the better person and remain courteous and polite. The more you practice this, the easier it will become. We are all human so don’t be upset if you can’t be perfect at this (I’m definitely not), just give it your best effort. You will get better and better at getting negative people to change their attitude when you don’t return it to them.

    In addition you should always choose positive responses to any question and keep the conversations positive. It’s all in how you look at things. For example if someone starts to complain about the economy, you can respond with yes, "But it looks like thing are getting better". You're not disagreeing with them, you’re just adding a positive spin on it. As I've explained in previous posts, positive people get positive results. We need to constantly be aware of leaving a positive feeling with people as these feelings are remembered. Even if the person you're speaking with isn't interested in what you're offering at the time, if you always leave a positive impression on them, they may just get back to you or may think of someone else who would be interested.      Hopefully for many of us this is a mute point, as most who are concerned with being in business for themselves and bettering themselves, know that this is just common sense. Unfortunately common sense is not that common anymore so I thought I would touch on this subject.

Thank you for reading and the best of luck in all your endeavors, 

+R. Michael Gonzalez

Please ask questions or leave opinions in the comment section, as I welcome any outside opinions and will answer any questions that are made directly and honestly.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Stop Trying To Remember And Learn

    One of the biggest problems we seem to face when trying to learn something new, is the overwhelming amount of information, that we need to take in. To really have the best chance of success at something you need to know it inside and out. Sure you can try and learn as you go, eventually learning things, usually after making mistakes, but the real problem isn't the amount of information it’s how we try and take it in.

Learn Don't Remember
     Something I was taught at a young age by a very good teacher, was that there is a big difference between remembering something and actually learning something. You see most of us try our best to remember as much as we can, by crash coursing through a lot of information just to pass a test. It’s ingrained in us from our school days, starting in elementary school with the multiplication tables or singing the alphabet and most still do things that way in adulthood. The problem is how much of what we crashed our way through, in high school or college, just to pass a test, do we still actually remember. If you're like me probably not a whole lot. (Fortunately for me that teacher was my math and science teacher, for 3 years of high school and those are my best subjects today. Note: Not because I was in special ed, I was in advanced honors classes, same teacher for all, LOL).      To further explain, I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “It’s just like riding a bike” the reason for that saying is, you only have to learn how to ride a bike once and after that it’s simple (That’s because you learned how, not remembered how). If you were like me as a kid then you were jumping everything thing that you could build into a ramp. I wouldn’t recommend trying that now, bones take a lot longer to heal at 43. But, still if I were to get on a bike right now, I’m sure I’d have no problem keeping my balance and going for a nice leisurely ride. You see learning comes from repetition, doing something over and over until it’s no longer a memory, but ingrained in your very being.      You see as I explained in my earlier post, I was in martial arts when I was younger. The whole point to it is, you learn real basic things and you repeat them over and over, until they become your very nature and then you advance to more difficult techniques. (You see if they aren't part of your very being, something that is unconscious, then they will have no value to you when you really need them). You also have to condition your body to achieve those advanced techniques. This is crucial in sales, marketing or any business negotiations, if you're trying to remember sales techniques or basic information that you should know, when actually using them, you will come across as unprepared or get nervous and fumble. If you are well versed in your craft, you will be filled with confidence, which is the most important part of the game.
Don't Panic It's Easy To Fix

       But don’t Panic the problem is easy to fix, you just have to know how. When we are dealing with marketing or business or anything mental for that matter. You have to treat your mind like a muscle and you have to condition it, you have to get it used to taking in information and working that information repeatedly, until you no longer have to remember it, because you’ve learned it. What my teacher taught me in high school (And I have no scientific proof of this, I just know it has always worked for me), is don’t try and remember something when you read it for the first time, just browse through it, don’t worry if you don’t understand everything at first, you're just conditioning your mind to receive that information at a later time (And always read allowed so you can hear your voice, this is extremely important, as it is a big part of the learning process). The next time you go through it, preferably a couple of days later, you will notice that it makes a lot more sense to you now, even though you weren't really trying to understand it all, your mind was picking up on things that it did understand and starting to put them into context and you were unconsciously thinking about it for those couple of days. Then go through it a third time, again at least a couple of days later, now you will pick up on finer details of the whole idea and it will make a whole lot more sense to you. Then comes the most important part, what actually ingrains the information in your mind forever. Write down what you just learned, in your words as simply as possible, (Don’t copy the information, think about it and write it through your eyes how you interpret it) if you need to stop and review it, thats fine, just make it your words. The process of learning is often visual, you can learn something much easier if you visualize it and when you're thinking and writing your visualizing. That’s exactly what I’m doing by writing this blog. I’m going over large amounts of information and writing it down, simplifying it and in the process I’ve learned it, not remembered it. (That's what taking notes is for, your writing down what you learn, not just for reference, but because it's part of the learning process.)    Don’t worry you don’t have to go through all of this if you don’t want to (It’s just something I was taught and it works very well for me), just don’t worry about trying to learn everything all at once. Take your time, work at a pace that best fits your schedule and your life, this isn’t a contest. (and always remember slow and steady wins the race, don’t burn yourself out trying to get it all in a week).     If this process sounds like too much work, it actually isn’t once you make a habit of it. You see I can browse through an enormous amount of information really fast if I’m not trying to remember it all, so it actually is easier and quicker in the long run and I don’t burn myself out trying to remember every word, unless you're some kind of savant, you're probably not going to be able to remember every word anyway, so don’t bother.
Don't Over Complicate Things
    One more point, don't over complicate things, try and simplify them and try and relate what you want to learn, to things in your life. (Like I use the Karate example, for myself) this way you will process that information much easier as you will relate to it.

       I hope this is something that you can use, I don’t have all the answers, I can only try and show what has worked for me and this technique has worked well.

Thank you for reading and the best of luck in all your endeavors, 

+R. Michael Gonzalez

Please ask questions or leave opinions in the comment section, as I welcome any outside opinions and will answer any questions that are made directly and honestly.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Attraction Marketing - Why It's So Important

    If you are doing a lot of research on how to market yourself and your opportunity, then you must have come across the term ATTRACTION MARKETING (No it has nothing to do with what you look like), if not then you should definitely know about it. This is not a new idea, it has been around for many years in marketing, but with the advancement of the internet and the ability to market yourself for free it has become a very popular method in MLM.
    According to Wikipedia: “Attraction Marketing is the use of marketing techniques specifically designed to teach the customer what you are doing and how a service or product will benefit them well before they purchase it, It works by providing valuable content for future customers to figure out how your product is going to benefit them before they buy it so that they are qualified customers before they step in the door”.
Attraction Marketing
    Well if you've been reading through my blog then you will understand this is exactly my method. I believe it is the best and most sound method to build a strong team that will stick with the opportunity, due to the fact that they have a clear understanding of it and have begun their training in advance of joining. (The one key difference to my approach as opposed to most others, is that I will not ask you to OPT-IN with your email address, before I provide you with the information, so I can inundate you with spam mailings trying to get you to join, or sell your contact information to the many other sites who buy leads. If you've ever wondered how so many people get your email and you constantly get sent offers by sites you've never even visited, well that’s how, you signed up at one and they sold your info to 100’s of others). The only way I will ever be able to contact you is if you want me to and you contact me first. I feel that this is a crucial aspect of showing my integrity and without that, I have no value to you (I will never use pressure tactics to get people to join, I always want it to be their decision and I want it to be an informed decision, I only want people to join, who want to join). 

  One of the most common questions in this business is "How can I be a leader, be an expert, and ATTRACT people to me, when I haven't made a lot of money with this opportunity yet?", but money has nothing to do with it and I’ll explain why. What you need to provide is VALUE (Which I hope I’m doing right now). Value = Giving your prospects what they need, such as; resources and information to help them succeed, explain all of the information in detail while keeping it simple to grasp, getting to know them on a personal 1 on 1 basis (Either through EMails, phone calls, web conferencing or in person whenever possible, but not necessary in today's internet world), developing a trust with them that can only come from giving them your TIME. The common mistake is that one would tend to believe that the best opportunity is to sign up directly under the highest rep they can find, that they will provide the greatest value, but those reps will only sign you up with a newer rep in their massive downline that can spend that TIME with you, do you think the top reps with 1,000’s of people under them can provide the time needed by new people to the business, of course not. 

Team Momentum
      Any IBO in any good team, has access to his upline and can OCCASIONALLY, get those top VP’s to spend a few minutes on the phone or through web conferencing to help his downline (My team is “Team_Momentum one of the strongest teams in the MLM industry, with some of the top people in the ACN business opportunity, with 4 of the 20 Circle of Champions members, the best of the best in the business and over 50 presidents club members, more than any other team), that’s how this business works. The people who can help you the most are the ones closest to your level in your team and most importantly the one directly above you.     So attraction marketing is simply that ATTRACTION, you need to find something that helps you stand out and attract future prospects to you, try to offer them the best opportunity you can and for me the most important aspect is TRUST, find someone who you feel you can trust and can be comfortable with the way they do things.

      With this site I hope to add value to my prospects as well as theirs, as they can also use the resources here to help promote value to themselves and their downline. (And anyone else in this business can use this site as a resource to add value to themselves and their team, which I encourage and hope you all do) You don’t have to spend the 1,000’s of hours doing what I do, you don’t have to write detailed articles trying to cover every subject you can, you don’t have to publish posts and links to 1’000’s of sites and search engines, I’m already doing all of that, the resource is already here and growing every day.

    So I hope I have provided what you're looking for, if you wish to join the ACN opportunity, if not that’s fine, I hope I've provided you with VALUABLE information anyway.

(Please note: If you have been introduced to this business by another IBO and have found this blog in your research of the company, please if you do join, join through them, my intention is not to ever steal anyone else's leads, this blog will always be available for you and everyone else to use and I will always help anyone who asks, without needing anything in return. So if you find it useful please share it with your team when you join or use to show your prospects and just let them know to sign up through you).

Thank you for reading and the best of luck in all your endeavors, 

+R. Michael Gonzalez

Please ask questions or leave opinions in the comment section, as I welcome any outside opinions and will answer any questions that are made directly and honestly.

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